I depends on what you mean by ‘grow’. If you mean ‘how to increase the numbers of people attending the parish’ then that goes hand in hand with how welcoming the parish is and how much people feel affirmed and supported by being connected with it. One immediate question would be: do Mass times meet their needs?
If you mean ‘how to help parishioners to take a more active role in their parish and to deepen their faith’ then there are somethings that might help:
Find ways to get/let as many parishioners as possible play a role in an aspect of parish life: they could join a prayer or group, plan/run social events, support charity projects, fundraise, serve as altar servers, welcomers, readers, money counters, caretakers, catechists, gardeners, cleaners, musicians, collectors…
The most important resources in a parish are its parishioners and its priest working together, so it is important that both feel supported, valued and understood. This is one of the reasons for the current Synodal process.